kirkwood’s closing weekend

first off, there will be none of the shenanigans of the typical closing weekend, since this is a low key journey filled with kid stoke. this was a great way to end another great year at kirkwood. sunshine, great corn, lots of friends, family and fun.

first we scaled thunder mountain. me with my size 12 collini reversiblurple one piece and 210cm gs race skis mounted with the finest alpine binding ever made

and stu, with his googles

nor sure what this is, but it’s obviously VERY important

then stu left me and i wandered around aimlessly, but mostly diagonally, behind chair 10

and then, out of nowhere, captain zateefah arrived

and he brought the colors

and a battle was fought over the grays

it raged on

but captain zateefah

brought the colors

while this was going on, kirkwood was busy shutting down the lifts. we mosied on down and celebrated the osama raid (which evidently was going on at the time) with some beers and hebrew nationals

then everyone was up for a twilight hike to the red cliffs. this is the second to last day at kirkwood. red cliffs was crawling with people at 7 pm. it reminded me of last july 4th when whole families were hiking around in the rocks skiing. there’s gotta be some way for mountains to recreate that vibe for more of the late spring.

the snowboarder is non-magette (why) monica and they’re grooming the wall

snowskate? check
grab? check
tall can in the air? check

monster in the palm of your hand? hells yeah check!

kendra. and they’re still grooming the wall

noah goes hyooooodge

the captain (kfactor) working hard for the snow skate face shot.

sunday we got there @ 12:30 and headed back behind chair 10 to hang out and play in the snow.
skylyn hittin’ the mini-booter

jasmyn- this is serious business

i told them the key to jumping is to keep the hands forward and smile. she’s got like 3/4 of it down.

there were older kids there gettin’ all spinny and stuff

what, no poles? that’s crazy

this guy was towing the skier in the background up for corn laps, and having some fun on his own.

kids these days

family day

getting set up for the portrait shot above i tried one with the flash, which dropped the shutter speed down to 1/200. came out kind of cool

they suffered a bit on the way out, but i’m in a fartbag carrying their skis

evidently they were holding a pageant or something.

jasmyn wasn’t having any of it. we could hear the yells over at chair 10 at this point. went on for quite a while.

we then slid back in under the sisters and skied down while patrol was setting off their bombs. it was a fun weekend.

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