so december started off a little slow in the snow category, things really kicked into gear on the 15th, and the conditions have been fantastic since. pics here are all from myself, chad, ashley, or chris. more of chads pictures can be seen on
12/17 – kirkwood
12/18 – kirkwood
i hooked up with chris and sean on a bluebird day at the kookwood
good morning
chris hits a popular rock just above the drain
hopping off an air near waterfall
sean, walking like an egyptian
then we parted ways as i hit some of my favorite lines on vista.
12/19 – kirkwood sidecountry
hiked up early to ski some powder under red cliffs and build a kicker underneath the cliffs as well
ashley goes big
and even bigger (this one’s in the video)
nacho to the rescue (after causing the crash, he’s always the first on the scene)
my new facebook profile picture
12/25 – carson pass backcountry
after a few days off to finish up all the christmas stuff, a few of us had christmas morning off to get some early turns
adam dropping in
nacho is mad that i made him run back up the slope to get out the way
12/26 – echo shuttle laps
kinda sketch, video here
12/27 – emerald bay
mellow day touring with ashley, who just got new chipmunk skins (seems kinda cruel really)
i heart my skis
ashley takes off towards the bay with fannette island in the background
before trying out the new skins
lather, rinse, repeat
12/30 – trimmer peak
hiked up for several laps with jenn, nils, and jeff
approaching the top
stairway to heaven
12/31 – 0 dark thirty – thompson peak
after waffling back and forth for hours we finally decided to get some full moon turns in. i had been planning how i was gonna get good night time photos all day long. half way up the skin track i pull out the camera and turn it on. sd card error!! (which means i forgot it).
so i tried grabbing frames from the helmet cam as chris and jim rode through the headlamp beam. it didn’t work for shit, but heres a couple
3 days later our tracks were still visible on the peak.
1/3/13 – the gulch of doom
me and the wonderpup breaking the trail
jaime is stoked
but she is not alone. chris, jason, and chad are stoked too.
nacho, also stoked
stoked that this deadly avalanche cycle has passed us by
chris lugged the snow skate up so he could hit cliffs with it in the gulch (more later)
chad dropping in
before dropping one
i followed off a smaller air
then we found a pillowy lower section
next it was off to the gulch proper. i thought i’d start things off with one of the bigger airs (chris’s view)
chad’s view.
sadly, nacho followed me to the edge then couldn’t get back up
i tried climbing up to him but he wouldn’t come close enough to the edge. we did get him out though. special thanks to jason.
then we spent more time on the smaller hits in the bullpen
me high fiving chris
chris on the snow skate
and chad
jaime sums up the day (i think)
1/5 – dawn patrol at carson pass
chad and i met up at the red lake parking area to drop a car. at 6:45 the sun was starting to get things aglow
nacho is finally starting to be more of an early riser
chad and nacho survey the possibilities
nacho is giddy
and a bit of a spaz. don’t know where he gets it from
chad drops in as the first rays hit the slope
lower down he drops into a pillow zone as nacho looks on
then it was my turn
this zone is fun!
the first run was done, by the moon not the sun
then it was back up top for a bit more alpine style terrain. chad drops into his line and gets thrown a little back
and takes a little tumble
i opt for a different variation of the same theme
redemption time
he backslapped just a bit, but skied away no problem (it’s in the video even)
the video includes almost all of december, since like the 13th anyway, which is when i started wearing the helmet camera again.
a december to remember from powdork on Vimeo.
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