lassen volcanic park over memorial day weekend

anyone in Tahoe knows the season isn’t over until at least memorial day, when we get our memorial day storm. this year would be no different, but most of tahoe has no base left, so volcano skiing would be our plan to reap the benefits. plans were made, shifts were covered, cars were packed
the playas
hutchy, a new mag

powdork (not so new)

longshortlong (don’t know why short is in there, he requires 2 pics!) and schralphmacchio


and of course our sponsored athlete nacho, who was a stowaway on this trip due to park regulations

as we set off from tahoe, the skies opened. they wouldn’t shut for several days

hutchy and i rolled into lassen at 3 on friday, 3 hours late. we figured we missed hooking up with the crew and elected to sightsee. in the bumpass hell lot we ran into dookey67, who was also 3 hours late. so we sightskied instead on diamond peak

diamond peak has a huge rock outcropping on top. hutchy likes to climb such things. i did a poor job taking this pic cuz it doesn’t show the size of the rock

this is what it looks like from our campsite

the exposure poma

nacho, who use to play left field for the giants, shows off a little

then it was time to ski



back at camp, we didn’t want to set up because of the never ending snow/graupel downpour. so we hopped in the car and drove
to red bluff, where we found tips, a local dive bar

day 2 was still socked in, so we drove up to bumpass hell to see what we could

and ran into this guy (and his mail order bride) stuck in the snowbank. we drove all this way with our shovels, so we may as well put them to use

we had spotted some fun lines before the top which would also let me get off the road quickly before anyone saw our stowaway, who was not allowed on the snow within the park

on ski heil peak

it was kind of deepish

in the middle of this chute i had to take off my skis and wax them. then it was fun

as a result, they were heading down when we were heading up

our camp was above a river fed by sulfur hot springs

beers were drank, longshortlong even brought some home made limoncello

the stars even appeared for a little bit

and sunday dawned bluebird

hutchy and i had to be back at work in tahoe at 4, so we started up earlier than the rest. still late by most standards though

we took a route that included some unnecessary climbing to above the upper lot

but also allowed us to ski down

nacho and hutchy play chicken

then it was up lassen proper, but we didn’t have time to make the peak.



hutchy gets tubed on the way out

before declaring victory

despite driving fast and taking chances, we did not make it to work on time.

i’m guessing schralph will have some pictures and stories to add

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